McPherson Alternative Center » Apply to McPherson Alternative Center

Apply to McPherson Alternative Center

Dear Applicant and Parent/Guardian,

MAC is now a full-time program 
7:50 AM to 2:50 PM Monday-Friday 

Early Release Wednesdays
7:50 AM to 2:15 PM 

The McPherson Alternative Center provides an education alternative for those students whose needs are not being met in the traditional school setting.  MAC provides alternative methods of teaching, individualized instruction, and flexible scheduling.


The following items MUST be completed and returned to MAC for a student to be added to MAC Interview schedule:

  1. Student Application must be filled out and signed by student.
  2. Parent/Guardian Permission form must be completed and signed by parent/guardian.
  3. Outside Reference is optional (must be 18 or older and not an immediate family member) 
  4. The application must be turned into the counselor, McPherson High School office or returned to McPherson Alternative Center before a student will be considered for an interview. 

After receiving the application, if the student is selected for an interview, his/her name may be added to the interview list.  The student and parent/guardian will be advised by telephone and in writing, if time allows, of the interview date and time.  Until then, the student needs to remain in school and complete all work to the best of their ability.  Not doing this may affect their chances of being admitted.

The student, as well as his/her parent or guardian, is required to be present at the interview.  Applicants will not be interviewed unless a parent or guardian is present.  The Director of MAC must approve exceptions prior to the interview.  The interview process is used by the MAC Screening Committee to determine a student’s eligibility for the program. 

The McPherson Alternative Center focuses on students who are “at-risk” for dropping out of high school.  The student may be referred to MAC by himself/herself, parent, teacher, counselor, or community agency.  Enrollment in MAC is contingent upon available classroom space and the appropriateness of the program to meet the student’s needs.  Authority for immediate entrance or the requirement to be put on the waiting list before admittance; rest with the MAC Screening Committee and/or MAC administration. 

*Students with an IEP or being evaluated for Special Education Services:
A student, who has been accepted by the screening committee to MAC and has an active or pending IEP, must have an IEP meeting with their support team. It is then the IEP support team’s decision to determine if the transfer of placement is beneficial to that student

Thank you for your interest in MAC!

David Patterson, Director/MAC Coordinator
Michael Davison, MAC Teacher
Danielle Horn, MAC Administrative Assistant/Student Support Aide